APLD Bay Area District

In October 2014, a small group of APLD members took on the task of consolidating four regional districts into one—the APLD Bay Area District. This combined Bay Area District builds upon the shoulders of the APLD California Chapter’s earliest roots on the San Francisco Peninsula, branching off to include districts in San Francisco, the East Bay, and the North Bay. 

We strive to educate our members on the latest tools, trends, and best practices to support your skills and businesses. From workshops on irrigation technology and climate appropriate plants, garden tours and business planning; our success is the result of the work of members who are passionate about landscape design, just like you.

See the complete APLD California Chapter calendar here.

2025 Bay Area District Board of Directors

President Laura Kukulski
Immediate Past President (2021) Gün Ünsal
Vice President Vacant
Secretary Maryanne Quincy, CPLD, FAPLD
Treasurer Shireen Zia, CPLD
Communications Chair Vacant
Membership Chair MJ Broadbent
Student Representatives Karen Panico
Programs Chair Deborah Christman
Programs Committee Laura Kukulski
Julie Lienert
Karly Silicani
Plant Fair Chair Kelly Kilpatrick
Technology & Social Media Silvia Gramuglia
Social Media & Community Outreach Shireen Zia
Member at large Mary Lou Hadley
Member at large Laurie Schofield

District Representative to the Chapter Board Laura Kukulski

APLD California Chapter Member Area

Events of Interest to Landscape Design Professionals