APLD Sacramento District

Welcome to the Sacramento District of the APLD® California Chapter. Our District is a large one, covering Lake Tahoe to Napa, Redding to Stockton. We offer the benefits of camaraderie and support in design education, business practices, and sourcing. We strive to promote and elevate the profession of landscape design, enriching our member’ career potentials and opportunities throughout the region. We also collaborate with allied industries for networking, knowledge, and support.

District Board meetings are open to all members. Information about Board meetings and Programs can also be found on the Chapter Events Calendar on this website.

Your District—the Sacramento District—is dedicated to offering a variety of programs that appeal to a wide range of interests and enhance the benefits of your membership. To continue providing these quality programs, we encourage your participation and input. 

Thank you for checking out our calendar to see all that is store for the Sacramento District and all of APLD California in 2025. We enjoy each other as individuals and professionals. Together we have a lot of fun and look forward to welcoming you at our next gathering!

View events of interest to landscape design professionals in California


2025 Sacramento District Board of Directors

President Martin Carrion van Rijn
Immediate Past Presidents (2023) Soleil Tranquilli
Vice President TBD
Secretary Marcia Scott
Treasurer Christine Ferris
Communications Chair TBA
Membership Chair TBA
Programs Chair Temp – Martin Carrion
Member at large Cheryl Buckwalter
Member at large Gary Kernick
Member at large Tentative _ Molly Roy

District Representative to the Chapter Board Martin Carrion van Rijn

APLD California Chapter Member Area

Events of Interest to Landscape Design Professionals