Please use this form to get the promotion process started for your APLD district or chapter event. New “Timesaver Tips” have been added for those events with existing APLD-CA Event Calendar postings, Eventbrite links, or publication-ready flyers. Thank you for keeping APLD members, sponsors, and friends informed of your events!
Do you have questions about APLD event promotions? Scroll down to read more.
What happens after I submit a communication request?
When you hit the “submit” button, you will receive a confirmation email, documenting your submittal. A similar notification goes out to our event communications team, and we get to work creating a communication on your district letterhead, updating the calendar on, and confirming details. Within three business days, we send you a “test” mailing for approval. Once you have approved the email, it is send out as quickly as possible.
On Reminders- When are our emails too much of a good thing?
We want to be sure our members know about our events, but these emails are only one channel in a wide-open array of communication options. Our experience is that we get the attention of members when other members share events on social media, using an Eventbrite link.
The top complaint among marketing email recipients is about frequency, particularly if there is no added value or content to the reminder email. And, research shows that the highest rate of opens and clicks takes place right after the first and last emails you send pertaining to the event.
APLD Promotions and Timeline: what kind of message do you want to send?
The easiest: Save the Date – A one time send, as you prepare more details, secure locations, etc. When you have gathered materials for your Event Announcement/Invitation, simply create a new submission with this form, and provide the new details.
Event Announcement/Invitation – Regular reminders, spaced a minimum of 10 days apart + a final reminder either two days prior to the close of ticket sales/RSVP deadline.
Keep it Fresh! If you have numerous reminders, you have the opportunity to spice up your reminders with new information or calls for action.
Request for Volunteers – A link for volunteers to sign up for specific tasks or slots is a huge timesaver for program organizers. Signup Genius is a handy online tool used by some districts to link volunteers for outreach programming, including tabling, garden tours, etc.
Of all our open and click rates, volunteer support requests are popular, and can be personalized with the member’s name, city, or other data point. Once people sign on via your Signup Genius link, you can use Signup Genius to track and communicate.
Other Communications – Messages to members from your district president, reminders to renew, leadership updates– Please feel free to use this form in order to reach out to membership with a special message from any committee, committee chair or president.
A bit more about reminders
The chapter strives to strike a balance between keeping our members and other mailing lists informed. Because we have multiple mailings from multiple sources, we typically space reminder mailings at least one week apart, with a final push mailing just prior to the RSVP deadline, or event, whichever is first.
If your event requires more frequent reminders, please make a note in your event promotion submission.
For research and articles on the reasoning behind our reminder frequency policy, here are two articles to get you started toward becoming an event marketing maven.