G3’s Watershed Training for Professionals is the most entertaining deep dive certification course on sustainable landscape design I’ve taken. We applied all the concepts in classroom exercises, which really helped me transfer the skills to my design projects.
Bernadette Balics
Ecological Landscape Design
November 7 & 8 in Sacramento, California
Open to ALL APLD CA Members & Landscape Professionals!
Participants are required to attend both days.
Continuing Education Units (CEUs): APLD 12.75
Eligible for IA and QWEL CEUs
Today’s landscape professionals need to be more than water wise, we need to become Watershed Wise Landscape Professionals (WWLP) to manage our limited resources without sacrificing the beauty and functionality of our landscapes. In this unique training, you will:
- Learn watershed-based principles and how to use them in practical applications.
- Understand how to integrate and take to the next level the fundamentals of sustainable, water-efficient landscaping.
- Increase skills necessary to create landscapes that restore and support the environment, increase biodiversity, and conserve fresh water resources.
- Acquire strategies for communicating the benefits of Watershed Wise and sustainable landscaping practices to clients.
- Build climate-resiliency into your landscapes to withstand our rapidly changing climate.
- Expand and strengthen your current experience, training, and certifications.
- Become empowered to be a WWLP Champion of Change.
Day 1: November 7th, 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Day 2: November 8th, 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Day 2: Certification Exam from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Participants are required to attend both days.
City of West Sacramento
City Hall,Rooms 157 and 160
1110 West Capitol Avenue
West Sacramento, CA 95692
WHO is this training for?
This educational opportunity is for YOU: APLD Members; QWEL Certified Professionals; Landscape Contractors; Water Efficiency and Quality Professionals—in short, anyone and everyone who designs, installs, maintains, and manages landscapes. This training is being offered in northern California, but it is open to all landscape professionals throughout the state!
About the Course

Course Information Sheet (PDF)
Green Garden Group’s (G3’s) Watershed Wise Landscape Professional (WWLP) training is a US EPA WaterSense-labeled Professional Certification Program. Through its holistic, watershed approach, WWLP provides landscape professionals with a deeper understanding of the plant/soil/water relationship, plant water requirements, landscape water budgeting, and irrigation management.
The training teaches you how to assess site conditions to use rainwater as a resource and factor rainwater into outdoor water efficiency analyses to reduce supplemental landscape water use and runoff, regardless of the climate in which the landscape is situated.
To learn more about the curriculum and course fees, please download our information sheet.